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Forget the Budget Percentages!

Getting Real with Budgeting The budget percentages usually suggested when dealing with personal finances demonstrably fail people today. They’re paying a much higher percentage of their income for just about every expense, from a night on the town to a mortgage payment. Wouldn’t it be great to find a simplistic and effective approach to planning…

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Buying a Fixer-Upper

Everybody wants to buy a home, and everybody understands what importance that particular investment means. To buy a fixer-upper presents a set of challenges this blog addresses. Most homeowners never deal with the problems a fixer-upper presents, and this blog articulates significant problems and solutions. Let’s look at the pros and cons of the fixer-upper:…

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Joining the Great Resignation

Getting ready to quit your job? So, You want to join the Great Resignation.  You’re getting screwed at work (who isn’t?).  You enjoy working remotely, and you’ll never return to the office.  You realized your mortality in the face of the Great Pandemic and the irreversible reality of Climate Change, and you’re looking for a…

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De-cluttering after the Quarantining

While de-cluttering is associated with cleaning the house, everybody knows there’s financial potential in getting rid of the clutter. People search feverishly to solve a packrat problem but there’s money to be made. It’s a great incentive when you need to tackle a space dilemma. As many people addressed their packrat problems during the Pandemic,…