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Three Signs of Buyer Remorse

What is a Buyer’s Remorse? Buyer remorse or regret is sometimes baked into the buying process. And the more you spend, the greater the remorse. Anxiety often means the buy wasn’t bad, but something about it didn’t work out.  But what exactly is buyer remorse, and is it neurosis or even a mental illness? On the…

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Change of Address: Three Reasons to Do a COA

Whew! The change of address, notifying all the people, fatigued me! So many people want to know my new address! It’s more than just filling out a United States Postal Service card.  The Three Reasons Here are three reasons, personal finance reasons, to change an address:  Avoid Fraud We know that filling out a card…

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Inheritance Tax: What Do the Kids Owe?

Inheritance and Estate Tax: How do you keep your heirs safe from taxes on your estate? Well, put your funds in a trust, gift money to the kids every year, and relax! Death taxes probably won’t amount to much unless you’re super rich. Definitions Inheritance Taxes: Taxes on property you receive when a beneficiary dies. These…

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Four Minimum Retirement Accounts to Consider

Everybody wants to retire in the best financial shape they can, like people who go to the gym to tone their muscles. But if all it took to get your retirement accounts into shape were a visit to the gym, we’d all be in great shape. Because only about half of Americans believe they can…

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Spendee: How to Use This App?

Spendee suggests you “get your money into shape” using their smartphone app, so how exactly should you use it? Spendee offers two essential money management tools: An expense tracker that helps you keep track of everything you’re spending and a money manager suite with impressive personal finance tools like budgeting, money-saving tips, Crypto tracking, and…

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Budgeting in Envelopes

While budgeting in envelopes has been around forever, in the past everyone had their health and a financial future. That’s why this blog is different. It’s addressing a leaner, meaner, disenfranchised audience with a budgeting tactic that works. Here are the steps to using this effective budgeting tool: Look over your budget, then take a…