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The Business Account: How to Open One

Why should you open a business account? You must open a business bank account to accept credit card payments for your business or services. What other things can’t you do with a personal banking account? Mostly, you can’t accept credit card payments. You also want to separate your personal and business accounts to ensure all…

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Inheritance Tax: What Do the Kids Owe?

Inheritance and Estate Tax: How do you keep your heirs safe from taxes on your estate? Well, put your funds in a trust, gift money to the kids every year, and relax! Death taxes probably won’t amount to much unless you’re super rich. Definitions Inheritance Taxes: Taxes on property you receive when a beneficiary dies. These…

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Tutoring Side Hustle: Ten Steps to Making Money

Tutoring side hustle: Do it online (maximize your profits!). 10 Steps to a Tutoring Side Hustle Not every side hustle has such intangible rewards as tutoring. If you want to make money, find gratification in successfully teaching a subject and can put the picture together, you can find rewarding work in tutoring. If you’ve just…

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How to Start a Laundromat in Ten Steps

A laundromat is a highly profitable investment. The demand looks impressive, and running the business amounts to little effort. So if you want to invest money in one, how do you start it up? Let’s look at this investment opportunity and develop the steps to start a laundromat, considering that experts believe the investment amounts…

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Lawn Care Business: How to Start Your Business with 16 Tools

A lawn care business embraces power: Power tools, power cords, and power buttons. Lawn care people can see their work’s results immediately, inspiring them. They appreciate power. Gas power! Electric power! It doesn’t matter! How do you get into the lawn care business? Consider this: While mowing your lawn, the guy who owns the rental…

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Prosperity Anxiety

While considering getting rich (and why you want to get rich), consider what prosperity anxiety it creates in today’s culture. While getting rich is everyone’s dream, few people know what they’d do with all that money. But first, let’s look at how much money you need to be rich. Prosperity Anxiety: Is There an Official…

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Climate Change and Committments

The omission of the US (and that other major polluter, China) from the climate COP 28 summit in Dubai because they don’t take climate change seriously might sound sad, and it gives me pause as an American concerned with this catastrophe on an approaching horizon. I mean, do America’s climate initiatives have to be so…

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Gig Work You Can Do Today

Since school started, it’s time to find money for tuition or to pay bills, and that’s where gig work shines. So, what’s available in Gig work we can do today? In other words, what’s going on with your side hustles? Let’s look! Side hustles can bridge the gap between what you want and what you…

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The Equity Pitfall

So, I get a lot of junk mail advertising passed through my door slot, dropping on my sunny front hall rug, some offering home equity loans. A home equity loan, the mailing says, can solve all my financial woes. It can pay off my credit cards, finance a home remodel, fund education, and buy that…