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Financial Health: 5 Issues to Check

It’s one thing to go to a medical doctor if you’re not feeling well, but how about when you’re not feeling well about your financial health? The obvious answer is to find a personal finance advisor and ask for a checkup! While I’m just a gossip about personal finances, that fact frees me up to…

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Three Signs of Buyer Remorse

What is a Buyer’s Remorse? Buyer remorse or regret is sometimes baked into the buying process. And the more you spend, the greater the remorse. Anxiety often means the buy wasn’t bad, but something about it didn’t work out.  But what exactly is buyer remorse, and is it neurosis or even a mental illness? On the…

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Change of Address: Three Reasons to Do a COA

Whew! The change of address, notifying all the people, fatigued me! So many people want to know my new address! It’s more than just filling out a United States Postal Service card.  The Three Reasons Here are three reasons, personal finance reasons, to change an address:  Avoid Fraud We know that filling out a card…

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Inheritance Tax: What Do the Kids Owe?

Inheritance and Estate Tax: How do you keep your heirs safe from taxes on your estate? Well, put your funds in a trust, gift money to the kids every year, and relax! Death taxes probably won’t amount to much unless you’re super rich. Definitions Inheritance Taxes: Taxes on property you receive when a beneficiary dies. These…

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How to Start a Laundromat in Ten Steps

A laundromat is a highly profitable investment. The demand looks impressive, and running the business amounts to little effort. So if you want to invest money in one, how do you start it up? Let’s look at this investment opportunity and develop the steps to start a laundromat, considering that experts believe the investment amounts…

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Four Minimum Retirement Accounts to Consider

Everybody wants to retire in the best financial shape they can, like people who go to the gym to tone their muscles. But if all it took to get your retirement accounts into shape were a visit to the gym, we’d all be in great shape. Because only about half of Americans believe they can…

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Why You Should Have a Credit Card

While it’s fashionable in your wallet, I’m hard-pressed to find a reason to carry a credit card. When I peruse the fine print in credit card applications, the terms of agreement statements go on for multiple pages. The fine print puts me between a rock and a hard place if I’m late with a payment….

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Retirement Savings: Build During a Recession

Don’t let the event of a Recession discourage you from building retirement savings. It would be best if you worked on that retirement nest egg during career uncertainty and employment angst. Statistics show that many people get thwarted in their efforts to save for retirement by job dislocation, income interruptions, taking care of loved ones,…

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Insurance Market News

In the age of climate disaster and Artificial Intelligence in the workplace, what’s happening in the insurance market that ordinary people should consider news? Two significant changes are happening that we should discuss: These two trends are significant enough to warrant our attention. Insurance Industry is Reeling from Fire Claims In addition to claims made…

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Is Rental Insurance For You?

So my landlord upsells rental insurance every month (she doesn’t require I outright buy rental insurance), plugging the idea when I pay my rent electronically. US rental insurance generates 4.5 billion dollars in profits, so it’s not unusual to buy rental insurance or for a landlord to suggest it to renters. My landlord isn’t getting…