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Wallet by Budgetbakers: A Product Review

Track Your Expenses

Wallet by Budgetbakers: A check register

Check out Wallet by Budgetbakers. It’s not only a practical way to keep track of your personal finances. It’s also a wow app with its ease of use and exciting package of boards illustrating your finances. It offers so many features in a simple but fun experience that it’s hard not to get enthusiastic about your financial potential. It’s provided by Budgetbakers.

Wallet by Budgetbakers at a glance boards. Photo: Author’s screenshot

Wallet by Budgetbakers: What the Free Version Offers 

1. three accounts. You can add deposits and transfers or subtract expenses and transfers for three accounts: a checking account, a credit card, and a savings account.

2. Numerous engaging boards illustrate what’s going on with your money.

3. Expense and deposit register allows you to photograph your receipts while you record them.

This is so useful that you may want to consider the pay versions as a free app.

Wallet by Budgetbakers painless presentation Photo: Author’s screenshot

Wallet by Budgetbakers: The Pay Versions

The Wallet pay versions include: 

1. A monthly pay premium account, for a nominal fee

2. An annual fee premium account, where you can save half of the amount you pay monthly.

3. A lifetime premium account. The lifetime account is a forever account after one payment. While the amount charged varies, you could get it for as little as $34.99 before taxes! That rate is for new users.  

Why does Budgetbakers believe you should subscribe to the premium account? 

1. Connectivity. Syncing to your bank and your various accounts is the first reason to go with a premium version, BudgetBaker’s website argues. Your entire financial picture can be presented on your smartphone. You’ll always know where you’re at with your money in real-time since transactions hit most banks immediately. And you’ll know as much as your bank knows where you’re at financially.

2. A sharing feature. Secondly, you can share your financial picture with whomever you trust when using the Apple version. It could be a financial advisor, your brother with the CPA, or your significant other. Couples who share finances can more easily look at their transactions with Wallet. If you have young children may have an intense curiosity about money. As they grow cognitively, they probably exhibit an intense curiosity about that critical element in life: Money. So, sharing your Wallet information with the kids enhances their knowledge. You may even want to open accounts in the app for the kids.

For your information, at the Master Premium Plan level, you can invite twenty people to share your financial information in the Apple IOS, that is. This makes sense if you’re using Wallet for a business account and have employees. 

Wallet by Budgetbakers goals and budget setup. Photo: Author’s screenshot.

Use it With a Business Account

 In Apple, you can share financial information with fellow workers or contractors you hire in business. They can share information with you. Since Wallet lets you control who sees what information about your business and who can act in your place, you’re never compromised. As you would with your personal bank account, you can decide who has certain authorities to view and manipulate data in a business. For example, you may limit who makes deposits and uses a debit card. In Wallet, you can restrict who sees balances and limit the use of a debit card to specific amounts, just as you would set limits on debit card use. In addition, a contractor or subcontractor can lay out a plan with complete transparency of costs. It enables more extraordinary teamwork, more advocates for projects, and the energy generated by increased communications. 

This blog was originally published in 2021, and has been slightly edited.

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